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Home > Keynote: Roger Cryan PhD, Chief Economist, American Farm Bureau Federation

Keynote: Roger Cryan PhD, Chief Economist, American Farm Bureau Federation

Keynote: Roger Cryan PhD,  Chief Economist, American Farm Bureau Federation 

In light of rising food prices, supply chain issues such as a shrinking labor pool, transportation price increases, weather-related crop issues, and conflicts in key agricultural zones, Roger Cryan, Chief Economist at American Farm Bureau will provide his outlook for the nation’s food and ag economy, particularly as it relates to premium, value-added products. Organic products are made with human, planetary and rural economic health top of mind – but as a result, they do carry a premium in the marketplace. How will they perform in the marketplace in the coming years?

Award-winning government leader and expert agricultural economist, with a successful record in team development, leading data collection and analysis, and working across programs and agencies on a diverse range of issues. Leader in farmer advocacy as a long-time association executive, supporting the interests of agriculture and the public, developing and leading effective policy solutions. Ph.D. economist with expertise in marketing, agricultural policy, animal welfare, quantitative analysis, and government administration. Long-time community leader, coach, and volunteer.