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Hill Visit Resource Center

With the Farm Bill back on the Congressional agenda, this year's Advocacy Day and Hill visits are critical to the advancement of organic. Thank you for your dedication to advocating across Capitol Hill for organic policy priorities that will ensure responsive organic standards, thriving American farmers, and resilient supply chains. If you are attending Organic Week and have not yet signed up for Hill Visits, please contact Laura Holm to get involved. 

The Advocacy Day Prep Webinar section below will include links to the recording and slides from OTA's Advocacy Day Prep Webinar. All Advocacy Day participants should watch the webinar to learn about our asks and talking points for 2024.


Laura Holm, Legislative and Farm Policy Associate; (202) 539-1375 

For day-of support on Thursday, May 16 contact:

Libby Mucciarone;, (202) 660-4076

Advocacy Associates App 

Your personalized Hill Visit schedule and resources are available through the Advocacy Associates App. You can find instructions for downloading and using the app below. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact app support here:

Advocacy Associates App Instructions 

OTA Member Resources

Policy Information

House Top 50 Districts Policy Ask Cheat Sheet


Advocacy Day Prep Webinar 

All Advocacy Day participants should watch the Advocacy Day prep webinar posted below to be prepared with talking points on the Hill. This must-watch webinar includes critical information to ensure a successful day on the Hill.

Presentation Slides



Social Media Engagement

Advocacy Day 101 Handout Social Media Toolkit



Hill Visit Leave-Behinds

Each resource is included in the Hill packets that we'll leave at each office - with State Sheets customized based on location. 

Organic 101

Top Farm Bill Priorities 

OMD One-Pager

CIAO One-Pager 

Dairy Data One-Pager State Sheets
House Top 50 Districts House Organic Caucus  Appropriations One-Pager